What is Kendo?
Kendo is like Japanese fencing. It's a traditional Japanese martial art practiced across the world. It utilizes a bamboo sword (Shinai), a wooden sword (Bokken), and armor (Bogu).

Is there a club fee?
Yes, our club fee is $30 per semester paid in 2 installments at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. For new members, the first semester is free!

When can I start?
If you are a beginner, you can start within the first month of the fall semester; however, after this time frame you must wait until the next year to become a member. Anyone with prior experience in bogu is welcome to join at any point.

How do I get equipment?
You can purchase equipment through the club at a discounted rate. We also try our best to provide club-owned sets of equipment for free if cost is an issue.

Is Kendo costly?
The club will cover the majority of costs associated with Kendo.

I'm not a student, can I participate/can my children participate?
No. Only currently enrolled students and Cornell staff members can participate due to university policy.

Do I have to be physically fit in order to do Kendo?
No. Sure, it helps when it comes to competitions, but kendo is all about conditioning the body and self improvement.

Are there tryouts?
No. Kendo is open to everyone, regardless of skill level.

What if my question isn't answered here?
Please don't be afraid to contact us if you feel like your question isn't answered here! You can reach us at our email, and we will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.